Friday, August 8, 2008

Goodbye Kitchen

Goodbye kitchen sink where I was bathed as a babe.

Goodbye kitchen where the lower cabinet of brightly colored pots was my favorite toy chest as a toddler.

Goodbye kitchen where I made "pinch pies" with my Great Aunt Ruth with bits of leftover pie dough and grape jelly. I was a preschooler, and sat on the counter while we worked.

Goodbye kitchen where I first learned to measure flour.

Goodbye kitchen where at first I had to stand on a chair to stir a pot on the stove.

Goodbye kitchen where I tried my first real no-recipe experiment. The one that included ramen noodles and red food coloring. Fortunately for you, my readers, that recipe did not survive. I think I was twelve.

Goodbye kitchen where I royally messed up my first attempt at lemon meringue pie.

Goodbye kitchen where I fell in love with the delight a plate of homemade cookies can bring.

Goodbye kitchen where I prepped vegetables and chicken to make soup with little boys at a day camp ... and passed on the love of cooking to at least a few.

Goodbye kitchen where Grammy made her ever famous miracle soup. (lots of cabbage - someone open a window!)

Goodbye kitchen where I first cooked for my boyfriend - before I officially imported him from South Carolina.

Goodbye kitchen where I sipped coffee the morning of my wedding.

Goodbye kitchen which has nourished so many beloved friends and family.


Sarah said...

Oh sad! But what happy memories. At least you can take the boyfriend-turned-husband with you. ;)

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...


on to the next kitchen. maybe where you can make memories someday with your daughter! pass on the food love :-)

Kass said...
