I can't take credit for this ingenious recipe. It is only slighly adapted from my friend Kim's recipe. VERY, VERY good. The Southern resident ate his on a bit of quacamole in a tortilla this time around. And if you catch the loss leader sales on two pound bags of frozen shrimp, it won't even cost a small fortune to serve.
2 pounds shrimp - raw & peeled (these were from my freezer - I thawed and peeled them):

~ 1/2 cup olive oil
3 cajun seasoning
2 cloves of garlic, crushed, or a bit of garlice powder
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 pinch cayenne
juice of 1 lemon or 3 tablespoons bottled lemon juice
I didn't measure one thing for this recipe. Just splash it in a 13 x 9 pan:

Mix in the powdered spices and the shrimp. Allow to sit at least ten minutes. (Or a few hours in the fridge, if you're making this ahead for a dinner party)

Bake at 450 for about ten minutes. Shrimp will look pink when cooked:

Serve with a salad or vegetable and some bread to soak up the yummy sauce. (and if the hubby helps himself to guacamole and tortillas, that's fine too)